Take Action! There are many ways to have your voice heard!

Take Action! There are many ways to have your voice heard!

Call to take action!
Time Range For Action Alert: 
Dec 06 2021 to Jan 31 2022

Demand that President Biden Protect the Freedom to Vote

The freedom to vote is under direct assault across the country, especially for women, Black and brown Americans, and people with disabilities. Federal voting rights protections cannot wait and are vital to saving the soul of our democracy. 

Call on the Biden-Harris White House to do everything within their power to protect voting rights.


Support Democratic Reform: Tell Your Senators to Pass the For The People Act

This sweeping piece of legislation is the most expansive democracy reform agenda we have seen since the Voting Rights Act.

Contact your Representative TODAY and tell them to pass the For The People Act.


Ask Your Representatives to Support the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act

At this critical moment in our nation’s history, as the freedom to vote remains under threat, we need pro-voter legislation more than ever! 

Tell your representatives to vote yes on the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and live up to the full promise of American democracy.


Take Action for Equal Rights

Congress must remove the ratification deadline of the Equal Rights Amendment to get it across the finish line and added to the Constitution.

Reach out to your Senators now and urge them to support legislation to remove the ERA’s ratification deadline.


Urge Your Senators to Pass DC Statehood

The people of Washington DC deserve the same rights as any American living in our 50 states. They deserve full representation in Congress and to be free of Congressional interference in their local governance.

Urge your Senators to support the full rights of DC residents!


Act Against Gun Violence

Now is the time for Congress to step up and pass common-sense gun violence prevention reforms, such as universal background checks, closing the gun show loophole, and banning assault weapons.

Tell your Senators to pass the Bipartisan Background Checks Act and take a stand against the epidemic of gun violence.


Stop Voter Suppression

Across the country, there has been a concerted effort in many states to stop some voters from voting, or to make it much harder for them to participate. Legislators and election officials have purged existing voters from the rolls, made cuts to early voting, reduced polling places, put in place strict voter photo ID laws and levied onerous voter registration restrictions.

Stand with the League in our fight to ensure our elections are always free, fair, and accessible.


Stand Up for DC Statehood

More than 700,000 residents live in DC, which is more than that of Wyoming and Vermont, yet its residents still lack voting members in the U.S. House and Senate. Without these voting members, residents of DC are denied a voice in Congress to defend them from attacks on their own locally passed laws and citizen backed initiatives.

Residents in DC deserve full representation in Congress. Sign the petition to support DC statehood today!