Issues and Advocacy, Sally Robinson, VP for Issues and Advocacy and Erica Smitka, LWVNYS Deputy Director

Issues and Advocacy, Sally Robinson, VP for Issues and Advocacy and Erica Smitka, LWVNYS Deputy Director


Budget Testimony 

The League testified at the Public Protection hearing on February 7th. Here is what we asked for: 

·        $20M in funding for county boards of elections 

·        $5M to support the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act Database bill 

·        An additional $75M to fully fund the matching portion of the new Public Campaign Finance Board. 
Read our full testimony here. In addition to orally testifying at the Public Protection hearing we also submitted written testimony to the Elementary and Secondary Education hearing, which you can find here, and the Environmental Conservation hearing, which you can find here.  We will also be submitting testimony for the healthcare hearing next week. 
League to which this content belongs: 
Utica-Rome Metropolitan Area