Financing of Public Higher Education

Financing of Public Higher Education

The Central Kane County League supports the sustained allocation of state funds for public higher education.
Position In Brief: 

The Central Kane County League supports the sustained allocation of state funds for public higher education that will provide quality postsecondary programs throughout the state. 

Objectives for adequate public funding should be to:

  • Provide affordable educational opportunities which foster global competitiveness for the people of Illinois and their employers
  • Eliminate and prohibit barriers to funding higher education: constitutional, statutory, and regulatory
  • Invest in capital construction and long-term maintenance of higher education facilities
  • Attract, maintain, and retain quality teaching staff

In addition, the League supports sustained funding to attract, support, and retain qualified Kane County students through:

  • State-funded, need-based financial aid
  • State-funded merit-based scholarships
  • State-funded grants paying for research assistantships
  • State-subsidized internship
League to which this content belongs: 
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