Interview with Eliza Sweren-Becker from the Brennan Center on the Electorette Podcast regarding the SAVE Act.
At 16:40 minutes in the recording Eliza described the criminal and civil liabilities for election officials if they make mistakes and don't ask for documentation (assuming this bill becomes law).
Section 2(j)(3) creates criminal penalties for election officials who register “an applicant to vote in an election for Federal office who fails to present documentary proof of United States citizenship.” This would undoubtedly deter election officials from adopting a flexible or liberal reading of the documentation requirements (including whether to accept a registration or re-registration from someone who has not produced the documents in person or whether to allow alternative methods of proving citizenship under section 2(f) beyond the “documentary proof” required by this provision).
"The criminal penalties: potential for up to 5 years of incarceration, even if it was an honest mistake and even if the person was a US citizen. Therefore any ambiguity in the bill would be interpreted against the voters."