League of Women Voters Utica-Rome Metro Area
Holiday Fund Raiser
The League of Women Voters is working with the River Road Greenhouses to bring some Holiday
cheer to families and loved ones through the sale of poinsettias and wreaths. Members will be able
to place an order with the LWV Treasurer via this Order Form.
In return, the purchaser will be sent the appropriate number of Gift Certificates to be redeemed at
the River Road Greenhouses, 9182 River Road, Marcy, (315) 368-4497, between November 27
and December 18.
• If you need multiple gift certificates, enter the name of the gift recipient who will be able to
select the plant or wreath of their choice, as designated on the Gift Certificate.
• Or, buy one certificate for all items and distribute the gifts, personally.
If you have questions, call Nancy at 733-1408, or Shirley at 790-9299.
Poinsettias Gift Certificate Price Quantity Total
4 1⁄2” Branched: 3-4 blooms $ 4.50 _______ _______
Available in Red, White, Pink, and Marble
6 1⁄2” Branched: 5-7 blooms $10.50 _______ _______
Available in Red, White, Pink, and Marble
8” Branched: 12-15 blooms $21.25 _______ ________
Available in Red, Pink, or White
All poinsettias come with a festive holiday pot cover: choice of Red, Gold or Green
12” Wreath $18.50 ________ _______
18” Wreath $22.50 ________ _______
Grand Total _______
Please mail this Order Form and check by December 10th to:
LWV Treasurer, P.O. Box 24, Washington Mills, NY 13479
Enclosed is a check for _____________ for purchase of the above Gift Certificate(s).
Number of Gift Certificates needed _______
Please print.
Your Name___________________________________________________________________
City, Zip, and Phone ___________________________________________________________