State and Local Primary Election

State and Local Primary Election

People voting


Your local polling place OR your mailbox
Tuesday, August 4, 2020 - 12:00am to 11:45pm

Prepare now to vote absentee.   No excuse needed - any registered voter can do it.  Avoid the lines, avoid  possible exposure to the coronovirus.  You can submit your request for an absentee ballot now; your Clerk will send your ballot when it is ready.   

Consider registering for permanent absentee voting; that way, your application for an absentee ballot will automatically be mailed to you before every election. Register for Permanent Absent Voter status by  checking the highlighted box  on this absentee ballot request form

Mail the form to your local clerk, whom you can find here.

And be sure to mail your absentee ballot early to reduce stress on the postal system.

 About six weeks before the election, you can go to the League's official website to see what will be on your ballot and compare candidate responses to League questions.