Welcome to the Washtenaw Money In Politics Advocacy Group
No matter what your interests are, social justice to health care reform to clean water etc., there are some solutions being blocked by massive big money or dark money in politics. The League of Women Voters US (LWVUS) has a policy on Money in Politics that says “We work to ensure that our government serves the people, not wealthy special interests, by promoting transparency, limiting SuperPACs, and eliminating dark money.” For more on why this matters scroll down on this national policy page.
We invite you to come join the Washtenaw League's advocacy group as we educate ourselves about this issue and investigate important policies and legislative change in the area of Money in Politics which negatively affect our democracy. We often have speakers who help us understand how to follow the money and learn about actions taken across the country to address this root cause issue.
Please join us at our Monthly Meetings the Second Thursdays via Zoom @ 3:30 pm. (Exception: For the January meeting we will meet on January 23rd, 2025)
NOTE: No July and August meetings!
Email mip [at] lwvwashtenaw.org to get a link to join us.
Lead: Robbi Duda, Money in Politics Working Group, LWV of Washtenaw County
Additional Reading Resources for Group Members
Michigan Campaign Finance Law Overview and Forms
See law:Michigan Constitution, Article II, Section 9 and Article XII, Section 2