Payment Reimbursement Procedures | Payment Reimbursement Voucher
Payment Reimbursement Procedures
1. Complete the PAYMENT/REIMBURSEMENT VOUCHER. In addition to monies spent, please indicate if you made any donations and the value of those items. (This will help the LWV prepare realistic budgets in future years.)
2. Get the payment voucher authorized by the committee chair or by the board. The committee chair will indicate the amount remaining in the committee budget before the payment request.
3. Present the voucher to the Treasurer along with supporting receipt, invoice, etc. Payment will not be made without adequate support.
All requests for payment or reimbursement must be pre-approved by the LWV of Schenectady County Board prior to making the expenditure. Approval is in the form of an approved budget for your committee, or approval at a Board meeting for any other expenditure.
COMMITTEES It is important to prepare a realistic budget and keep track of expenditures so you, the league, and future committee chairs have a true picture of program costs. In April, each committee needs to prepare a realistic and reasonable budget for the following fiscal year's program costs, using the Budget Planning form, and present it to the Budget Committee.
Once the Board approves the budget at the Annual Meeting, the Treasurer will make the requested payment as long as there are sufficient funds available in the approved budget to cover the cost, and · the payment is authorized by the committee chair.
Payment Reimbursement Voucher