Cincinnati Fire Museum, 3rd floor (Community Shares)
On December 5, 2024 at 6pm, enjoy a meal with fellow League members and spouses in a fun setting. Hear from the executive director of the Greater Cincinnati Water Works, Cathy Bernardino Bailey.
Community Shares (Cincinnati Fire Museum top floor)
Join LWV colleagues for a catered dinner and hear after-dinner speaker Howard Wilkinson, politics reporter and columnist at WVXU FM and formerly with the Enquirer.
The Fall Membership Tour for the LWVCA is a Food Tour at Findlay Market from 3-5pm on October 6. We will be visiting six merchants. Members, family and friends are welcome. The cost is $30 per person.
Learn about how this worker-owned food cooperative addresses problems of job and food insecurity in the Cincinnati area. Our Harvest operates a central Food Hub for the production and distribution of local food, training for local growers, and as