- Check if you are registered to vote here.
- Register to Vote here.
- Change your party, your address, your name on your registration here.
- See Deadlines, requirements, how to register, descriptions of political parties, registration drive locations, living overseas, and more here.
You ballot specifics
- Find your County Supervisorial district here.
- Use your address to see what will be on Your ballot here.
- 11 Ways to Avoid Getting Your Vote-by-Mail Ballot Rejected.
- Voter Rights
- See who is making campaign donations that reveal the intentions of candidates and ballot propositions.
- After submitting your ballot, track its progress on the way to being accepted: WheresMyBallot.sos.ca.gov.
Secretary of State's website
More info is at VOTE411:
- Use your address to see what will be on Your ballot.
- Get in-depth info on candidates, measures, and who supports them.
- Check where, when, and how to vote.
- Keep track of your choices and use them to vote.
- See how to vote in California, preparing to vote, voting rights, taking a friend to vote, results of past elections, & more.
The California Easy Voter Guide helps new voters and busy voters learn about how to vote and what will be on the ballot in statewide elections. It also helps people learn how to make change in their community.