Maple Hall
13831 San Pablo Avenue
San Pablo
See map: Google Maps
California US
Reinventing Bay Area Transportation for the 21st Century
LWVBA Studies Transportation
League Day Packet
2016 League Agenda
League Day Bios - 2016
T.I.P - A Guide to the San Francisco Bay Area's Transportation Improvement Program
Transit Agency List
East Bay Ethnic & Race Diversity Chart
2016 Presenters
Keynote Address:
- Senator Jim Beall, Chair California Senate Transportation Committee | VIDEO
Panel 1:
- Allowance? Passing the Hat for Funding | VIDEO
- Tess Lengyel - Alameda County Transportation Commission Funding: Are Self-Help Taxes Helpful or Enough?
- Alix Bockelman - Metropolitan Transportation Commission Infrastructure: How Do You Prioritize Upkeep Versus Expansion? |
- Richard Marcantonio - Public Advocates Social Equity: Is Social Equity Overlooked in Funding Proposals?
Panel 2:
- Innovation & Technology - Back to the Future | VIDEO
- Steve Raney - Joint Venture Silicon Valley's Mobility: Last Mile Problem - What Are Some Solutions? |
- Joël Ramos - TransForm Social Equity: How Do We Make Tech Serve the Underserved?
- Adam Stocker - UCB Transportation Sustainability Research Center Technology: What Will the Highway of the Future Look Like? |
Panel 3:
- Who Moved My Cheese? How and Where do We Change the Culture? | VIDEO
- Krute Singa - San Francisco Department of the Environment: Crystal Ball: Can Agencies Be Agents for Change? |
- Mary Lim-Lampe - Genesis: Social Equity: How Do We Make Access Affordable for All? |
- John Boesel - CALSTART Drones vs Semis: How Do We Change the Way We Deliver Goods? |