The League's street banner flies once more

The League's street banner flies once more

Vote Banner

An unexpected weather event took place mere days before the 2020 November General Election. A fierce rogue wind took out our VOTE VOTE VOTE banner over Main Street. This street banner has publicized each election date since the 1970s as a courtesy to the City of Whitewater by the League of Women Voters. The banner's “low tech - high visibility” style has been consistently effective with League voter outreach. Damage control reported fraying to the end grommets, cracked red paint and the severing of its ropey tethers. We are grateful to Bill and Sue Chandler for their repairs, painting, and restoration efforts. The street banner is back in service this week. There are many dedicated League volunteers that have kept this project going for over 50 years. We are indebted to them all.

On a personal note, as a former banner painter, this writer's cat intentionally traipsed through the not-yet-dried lettering leaving a red paw print visible to this day to those who know where to look. As you drive down Main Street, please note our spectacularly large and newly restored banner. You can’t miss it. The red V-O-T-E letters are close to 12” high! Almost visible from space! (On the other hand, the paw print is less than 1” high, visible only to those with discerning eyes and a magnifying glass). And yes, please don’t forget to vote on February 16.

Submitted by Julia Ross, Voter Services Chair

League to which this content belongs: 
Whitewater Area