About Us

About Us

Learn about our history, policies, and governance.


  • Our Nonpartisan Policy
  • League of Women Voters-Whitewater Area By-Laws
  • Board of Directors
  • Making Democracy Work Award
  • Student Video Contest Winners


GUIDING PRINCIPALS Recognizing that a website is an important communication tool, the LWV-Whitewater board voted to establish a website using the LWV California League Easy Web program. The website shall represent the LWV's nonpartisan mission and will comply with copyright, trademark, and relevant laws. Content may include national, state, and local League positions as well as educational, advocacy, and action information.

LOCAL POLICIES The LWV-Whitewater Board shall approve all website policy changes.

The LWV-Whitewater website will be continually promoted throughout League communications.

Information must be accurate and proof-read by the webmaster and vice-president.

Only the webmaster and designated alternate will have rights to enter and change the information placed on the website.

Names of officers and directors shall appear on the web site and names of other members may appear on the website. Instead of using personal e-mail addresses for officers or directors, an alias will be set up by the webmaster.

Contact information for the League will be included on the website with the name of the president, his or her address and a League e-mail alias.

A member's address and phone number will not be printed in the newsletter without the member's permission, including the website. Board members will have an e-mail alias for direct contact to their position.

No advertising should appear on the website. Promotion of national, state and local League positions and of League events are appropriate for the website.

The LWV-Whitewater website includes links to resources housed on other websites appropriate for the League of Women Voters members. LWV-Whitewater will provide links to nonpartisan voting and election information and to official government resources.

In addition, links will be provided on a temporary basis to organizations with which LWV-Whitewater has formed a partnership or coalition. When leaving the LWV-Whitewater website, users will be informed by a disclaimer that LWV-Whitewater has no responsibility for websites other than its own.

Any website passwords should be distributed judiciously. Privacy Policy: We do not use cookies for tracking, nor do we collect information about users. Any form data is used only to satisfy the purpose of that form (for example, send an email in response to a question).

WEBMASTER RESPONSIBILITIES The webmaster is responsible for working with the LWV-California vendor. The website will be reviewed and updated at least once a month. Dated information shall be removed after an event. New content information will be shared periodically at a board meeting. The webmaster will provide website statistics for review at monthly board meetings.