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Whitewater Area Articles

Candidates sit by microphones to answer questions, Moderator stands at podium asking questions

If you missed the Wisconsin State Assembly 43rd District Candidate Forum on 10/5/2024, you can watch it here: https://vimeo.com/1017179136?&signup=true#_=_

Image of speaker, Ramona Williams

On Thursday evening, October 17, 6:30 PM-8 PM, Ramona Williams, Regional
Coordinator for Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin, will address the present

Image shows multiracial hands in a circle. Text says Join Our Team! and tells about League membership opportunities.

Get involved in the community and share your talents! Opportunities with the Whitewater Area League abound!

Formal photo of Dr Dwight Watson

Dwight Watson is a Professor of Education in the College of Education & Professional Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.  He supervises early childhood, elementary, and middle school student teachers

Julia is shown doing paperwork at a table featuring League of Women Voters information.

A HUGE thank you to League members who volunteered to staff voter registration tables in 5 locations on National Voter Registration Day, at two League co-sponsored LGBTQ+ programs at the Whitewater Public LIbrary and a

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With anti-LGBTQIA+ legislation sharply on the rise, it’s no surprise that barriers to voting have also increased for transgender people.

With this in mind, the League opposes strict voter ID laws, as they often unfairly burden certain groups of voters, while being totally unnecessary to prevent voter fraud.


This op-ed was originally published in Newsweek.

Adam Ambrogi, LWVUS chief of external affairs, Pamela Smith, Verified Voting executive director, and cybersecurity expert Paul Rosenzweig highlight the danger of the current administration's defunding of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). 

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En tiempos como estos, sus congresistas necesitan escucharle. 

Hay una gran variedad de temas que le afectan a usted, a su familia y a su comunidad, sobre los cuales podría tener que hablar con su congresista ahora

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In times like these, your members of Congress (MOCs) need to hear from you. After all, their job is representing you and your interests to the federal government. 

You can speak directly to your MOCs at a “town hall,” meet-and-greet, community event, or their state or district offices. And this is the perfect time to do so.