The League of Women Voters of Vermont is preparing for advocacy during the 2018 Legislative session which will open in January in Montpelier.
Based on the program adopted at Convention in June, Health Care (H.248), Clean Water (H.95/H.576), and Carbon Tax (H.394, S.284, H.528, -31, -32, -33) are our legislative priorities. In addition, the League supports background checs for transfer of firearms (S.6/H.151), voter rights (H.624) and IRV (S.213).
Health Care
- H.248 Last recorded activity: House 2/14/2017 - Read First Time and Referred to the Committee on Health Care
Last session, the League of Women Voters of Vermont advocated for H.248, which calls for universal, publicly funded primary care for all Vermonters.
We wish to reemphasize that support as the new Legislative session approaches, and urge that our Representatives to make passing this legislation a priority when they reconvene in January.
Most health care is primary care. Accessible, publicly funded health care will save money. When patients do not delay a doctor visit because of cost, more complex, expensive care is avoided. Include mental health care and substance abuse counseling to primary care, and even more problems are prevented. Publicly funded primary care is an investment in public health.
Carbon Tax
These bills are all in committee.
- H.394, An act relating to a carbon tax and cap and trade study by the Joint Fiscal Office
- S.284, An act relating to a carbon charge that is refunded on electric bills
- H.528, An act relating to making tax changes to help Vermonters and small businesses
- H.531, An act relating to establishing a carbon pollution fee in Vermont
- H.532, An act relating to replacing statewide education tax revenue with a fee on carbon dioxide pollution
- H.533, An act relating to eliminating Vermont’s sales and use tax and replacing it with a carbon fee on corporations
The League is researching which carbon tax plans might be effective at the state level.
If you can indicate your interest in joining the Vermont LWV's Carbon Tax study committee here
Clean Water
- H.95, An act relating to funding the Clean Water Fund. 1/20/2017 - Read First Time and Referred to the Committee on Natural Resources, Fish & Wildlife
- Signed by Governor on May 22, 2018 S.260, An act relating to funding the cleanup of State waters
- Signed by Governor on May 28, 2018 H.576, An act relating to stormwater management
Voter Rights
- Signed by Governor on May 16, 2018: H.624, An act relating to the protection of information in the statewide voter checklist