Message from the LWV Vermont Board Fall 2017

Message from the LWV Vermont Board Fall 2017


The League of Women Voters of Vermont kicked off the Fall season with a successful Celebration of the 19th Amendment with a Happy Hour held in Montpelier at the end of August. And on September 11th, League members were out in full force to welcome and register to vote new citizens at a Naturalization Ceremony held at the Vermont State House.

The League continues its commitment to campaign finance reform and the promotion of ethical government through League representation on the Joint Committee on Campaign Finance Education, Compliance and Reform established by Secretary of State Jim Condos and Attorney General TJ Donovan. The Legislature in 2017 appointed a League member to sit on the Vermont Ethics Commission, a five-member board to oversee the development of the newly created State ethics commission.

Additionally, several League members in St. Johnsbury are hard at work on researching the issue of Instant Runoff Voting, also known as Ranked Choice Voting as a first step to advocating for this League position. See p. _.

The LWV Vermont has come out strong against President Trump’s Election Integrity Commission which has requested that State leaders turn over voters’ dates of birth, voter histories, party affiliations, felony convictions, addresses, Social Security numbers and other personal information. The Vermont League’s position is in unison with the National League’s stance that the Commission itself is a distraction from the real issue of voter suppression. The League is committed to fiercely advocate against any push for nationwide voting barriers and our voice will be heard into 2018 through letters to media, legislators and attending public hearings.

We look forward to the upcoming 2018 legislative session and encourage all members to become involved in the legislative process on issues you care about, and as my experience with the League has proven to be true, the more the merrier.

In Solidarity,

Madeline Mota, LWV Vermont Board

Issues referenced by this article: 
Voting rights are under attack.