For the People Act

For the People Act

For The People Act
Time Range For Action Alert: 
Aug 03 2021 to Aug 31 2021

For the People Act

The survival of our democracy depends on people having the freedom to vote. Congress needs to pass the For the People Act. Let our US Senators know you support their support of this important legislation. 
The For the People Act will create national standards to make voting options equally accessible across all 50 states, reduce the influence of dark money in our federal elections, and curb partisan gerrymandering in Congressional districts—changes which will serve to protect the voices of Illinoisans.
Current Illinois laws provide voters with some of the most accessible elections in the country. However, in other states, new and existing laws deliberately limit voting access, disproportionately affecting people of color, women and young people.
Every voter in the country deserves the same protections and freedoms.
It is only when all voters have the same opportunity to choose their representatives that the voices of all people will be heard in Congress. We must strengthen national voting rights and increase voter participation. Your freedom to vote should be the same in every state, no matter where you live. 
The For the People Act has strong bipartisan support among a majority of voters. Free, fair and accessible elections will result in increased voter turnout and elevate the voice of all Americans. 
“Americans are calling on this Senate to protect the integrity of our democracy — and to secure our Constitutional rights. If preserving the right to vote means reforming the Senate’s rules, then so be it. There is no excuse for inaction. Nothing less than the future of American freedom is on the line.”
“Expanding voting rights, getting big money out of our politics and strengthening our anti-corruption laws are all common-sense reforms needed to restore trust in our elections and our government.”
Provisions of the For the People Act
The provisions in the 886 page bill are divided into three sections: voting, campaign finance and ethics. The Brennan Center for Justice provides a detailed look. Here are some key voting provisions:
Voter Registration
  • Allows online, automatic, and same day registration
  • Provides funds for modernization of voter registration
  • Makes it unlawful to interfere with voter registration
  • Prohibits returned, non-forwardable mail as a basis for removal from voter rolls
  • Clarifies that failure to vote is not grounds for removal from voter rolls
Ballot Access
  • Prohibits those who are not election officers from challenging a voter's eligibility
  • Improves voting access for those with disabilities
  • Prohibits mis/disinformation and voter intimidation
  • Provides for restoration of voting rights after felony time served
  • Requires 15 consecutive days of early voting for federal elections
  • Requires polling places to be located near public transportation
  • Makes no excuse voting by mail available
  • Allows for postage paid for all voting materials
  • Allows universities to register voters
  • Requires voters be notified of polling place changes no later than 7 days before an election
  • Provides accommodations for voters residing in Native lands
  • Requires secure drop boxes for federal elections
  • Makes election day a public holiday
Election Security
  • Establishes standards for vendors and equipment
  • Directs the US Election Assistance Commission to develop best practices and guidelines for ballot design
  • Requires regular system testing
  • Makes grants available to states for updating voting equipment
  • Requires investigation of potential cybersecurity incidents
  • Authorizes grants for risk-limiting audits
  • Requires scheduled testing of voting equipment
  • Requires every state to have an independent Redistricting Commission to draw congressional districts
  • Ends practice of prison gerrymandering
Issues referenced by this action alert: