Wednesday, September 8, 2021 - 12:00pm
LWVMC Virtual General Meeting: "Pesticides in Monterey County: What You Don't Know CAN Hurt You
While Monterey County’s agricultural industry is often celebrated as “The Salad Bowl of the World,” the health threats from drifting highly hazardous agricultural pesticides remain secretive. The line from our County Ag Commissioner has been that California’s regulation of pesticides is the “most robust” in the country. However, what he doesn’t say is that the US has weak pesticide regulation, as much of the field applications here are illegal in dozens of other countries.
Compounding the health threats, County Ag Commissioners also refuse to tell us what, when, and where any pesticides will be applied, denying the public a chance to take basic precautions. Héktor Calderón and Mark Weller of Californians for Pesticide Reform will present information from recent scientific studies about the health threats from pesticides used in Monterey County, as well as the current “Right to Know” campaign to web-post pesticide warnings. They will also point to signs of hope in the region for an alternative healthier way of growing food.
This free LWVMC General Meeting, presentation, and question-and-answer period will be conducted over the Zoom Web Conferencing platform. The General Meeting CheckIn will begin at 11:45 am. The meeting will begin at 12:00 pm.
This free LWVMC General Meeting, presentation, and question-and-answer period will be conducted over the Zoom Web Conferencing platform. The General Meeting CheckIn will begin at 11:45 am. The meeting will begin at 12:00 pm.
All current LWVMryCo members will be sent a link to the Zoom meeting via [] the Monday, September 6, before the meeting.
Not a member? All LWVMryCo General Meetings are open to the public at no cost. Non-members can send a message to LWVMryCo [at] requesting an invitation to also receive the link and instructions.
You can even join these meetings using a conventional telephone.
Phone numbers for audio-only will be provided along with meeting numbers and codes.