Bay Area League Board Briefs for August 2021

Bay Area League Board Briefs for August 2021

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Bay Area League Board Briefs
Meeting of August 9, 2021 and
Board Retreat on August 14, 2021
  • Michael Adamson, the new Project Manager for the Bay Area Monitor, was welcomed.  A primary goal will be to publish a long form article every week, within the now-electronic newsletter.  There are about 1,800 people on the distribution list. We will work to improve communications between the local Leagues and the Monitor.
  • Bay Area League Day is planned for Saturday, February 19, with a theme of "Where Can More Housing Go?" and a committee will be formed to plan for topics and speakers. Suggestions are welcomed.
  • BAL Board meetings will continue to be held virtually, with in-person meetings scheduled quarterly. We now meet on the third Monday of each month at 5 pm via Zoom. We welcome visitors. You can find our Zoom meeting link and the agenda on our website
  • Upcoming Community Dialogs will have as their topics "Civil Discourse and Inclusivity", and an exploration of criminal justice and homelessness of the formerly incarcerated.
  • The next Bay Area League Convention will be held in June 2022.  It was suggested that in addition to recruiting for the Board, the Nominating Committee recruit Observers.
  • A committee was formed to review the BAL Board Policies with an eye towards diversity, equity and inclusion.
League to which this content belongs: 
Solano County