Climate Change Events and Resources

Climate Change Events and Resources

Globe on fire
Wednesday, October 19th, 4 pm, How Textiles Affect Climate Change: The Surprising Truth Details at:



Climate Change is a top Solano County League priority. We have created this resource page for members and the community to help them actively engage in Climate Change events and access reliable and meaningful information resources. 

If you know of additional resources and events we can include, please email lwvsolano [at] Att: Sandy.




Wednesday, October 19th, 4 pm, How Textiles Affect Climate Change: The Surprising Truth details at: Recording available after the event.
AnchorClimate Change Events from LWV Solano Social Media
Curated by Linda Stewart

Below are some climate change events posted on Facebook LWVSolano

Webinars are scheduled as part of Climate Week NYC, an event happening on September 20-26th. Visit Webinar times listed are Eastern Time and many sessions are early in the a.m. or around noon. For more event information visit are a few of the webinars/workshops:

  • "World Climate Forum North America"
  • “Can Tree Planting Really Save the Planet?”
  • "The En-ROADS: Climate Workshop
  • “Disinformation on Social Media"

And many more. I've posted an article about the Climate Week NYC event on LWV Solano’s Facebook page. 

26th UN Climate Change Conference, October 31- November 12, 2021

TED Countdown October 30th- Mark your calendars for the Countdown global live stream on October 30th. A virtual event, open to all. It shares highlights from the Summit. Countdown is a global initiative, powered by TED and Future Stewards, to accelerate solutions to the climate crisis –




10/26/2021 New Climate Event Video from Stanford’s Center for Deliberative DemocracyAccess the video recording of this important event at

Climate change is an intensely polarizing issue. It doesn’t have to be. In the lead-up to the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), a representative sample of 962 Americans gathered last month to consider climate and energy policy proposals from across the political spectrum.

Convened by Stanford’s Center for Deliberative Democracy and the global problem-solving organization Helena, and recruited by NORC at the University of Chicago, this unprecedented group bridged partisan divides through a process called Deliberative Polling. Over the course of several weeks, participants read the best arguments from all sides, questioned experts, and engaged in thoughtful, moderated discussion via an interactive virtual platform.

Polling before and after the event found that the deliberations yielded strong, bipartisan alignment on policies to address climate change. The key question now: Will it make a difference in D.C.?

This event takes you through the results of the groundbreaking Deliberative Poll, America in One Room: Climate and Energy.
Click here for more details on our website or copy and paste this URL in your browser

The Six Steps: World Scientists' Warning of a Climate Emergency YouTube video at
Downloadable PDF Resources available at the bottom of this page
Organizations "We come from all age groups and all professions – teachers, students, doctors, business professionals, non-profit leaders, artists, authors, and even scientists – with a common purpose: to solve the climate crisis. We welcome everyone who wants to fight for a better planet."
"Probable Futures aims to increase the chances that our future is good. We offer useful tools to visualize climate change along with stories and insights to help people understand what those changes mean." - Woodwell Climate Research Center - future and recorded events 












PDF icon 101 Things You Can Do About Climate Change608.38 KB
PDF icon Local Climate Resources47.85 KB
League to which this content belongs: 
Solano County