This Toolkit is created and maintained by the LWV Health Care Reform Interest Group (formerly “Healthcare Reform for the U.S.,” HCR4US) (see contact info below).
Mission: The website and our network are dedicated to educating and mobilizing League members to work toward legislation and other reforms that enact the goals of our LWVUS health care position, with a strong focus on expanded and improved Medicare for All (a single-payer system). The materials are varied for different audiences, and they include pointers to resources for those who want to delve more deeply, and/or would like to do programming for local League or community meetings.
Explore the Healthcare Reform Toolkit
Are you a League member interested in Health Care Reform?
- Support efforts to educate and advocate for LWV Health Care positions, including behavioral health
- Help build a better Toolkit for advocating Health Care Reform
- Join a Google Group to exchange ideas and resources
- Join a monthly networking teleconferencing call to share best practices
- Help expand the reach of the network
Read the Latest Newsletter
- The Big Ask: Sign Up to Help at Convention
- Stop the Madness: Vote for the Vt Concurrence
- Single Payer Household Savings Calculator–try it!
Please take a few minutes to fill in this short webform to help inform our upcoming Convention caucus.
League Members and non-League Allies, please CONTACT US through our webform: tinyurl.com/Contact-LWV-HCR-4US
Web team: Ruth Harenchar (LWV-Manatee, FL), Barbara Pearson (LWV-MA), Akkana Peck (LWV-NM), Lynne Ipina (LWV-WY). They can be reached through our webform .
Help the HCR Interest Group expand our reach and effectiveness —
Support Vermont's New Position on Privatization
Health Care Reform for the US