Birthdays and Ballots

Birthdays and Ballots

Birthdays and Ballots
Public Statement
Date of Release or Mention: 
Friday, October 22, 2021
Did you know that the drop-off between registering to vote – and actually voting – is twice as steep for young people?

The League’s innovative Birthdays & Ballots program aims to address this issue by warmly celebrating the 18th birthdays of area high school students.  We approached local high schools last spring with this potential program. Starting in the fall of 2021, each newly eligible voter who is a student at Addison Trail High School will receive a special birthday card with a unique, hand-written non-partisan note written by a League volunteer.  Each card contains a Be a Voter sticker, and some candy to emphasize that "Voting is Sweet."  These Birthday greetings have become a big hit with other area students. 
Writing personalized birthday cards to new young voters is an easy way to make a difference and support our democracy. 
Volunteers are URGENTLY needed to create the hand-written birthday cards for the first wave of birthdays. Don’t worry, note writing volunteers are given a few sample notes for inspiration.
Ultimately, the League will host in-person letter writing and envelope stuffing parties in August and January each year. In the future, Birthday card writers can attend a letter writing and assembly party or pick up materials in advance and write their notes at home with a deadline for submission. Each volunteer is given a list of students’ names to celebrate and all notes are screened by the League before they are delivered to the school. 

When complete, each card’s envelope includes a student’s first name, last name initial, and an assigned code indicating the distribution date that coincides with the student’s 18th birthday. Teachers at Addison Trail distribute our Ballots & Birthday cards based on the distribution date code

We just received the list of students from ATHS, so we NEED YOUR HELP to get the first wave of cards written! No time and COVID protocols make it imperative that we recruit a host of at-home writers for this first wave. Will YOU help?
Here is a digital example of our birthday card and examples of notes written by previous volunteers. 

If you can assist with this important project, please email Donna Limper at and indicate whether you can write 5, 10 or 20 cards. Information on the card pick up point in Bloomingdale will be shared in response.

We hope you join us to send your congratulations and encouragement to our newest eligible vote
Issues referenced by this article: 
League to which this content belongs: 
Roselle/Bloomingdale Area