What We Do

What We Do

Educate and Engage Voters

Candidates Forum 2019

Voting is the core of our democracy. We work all year to empower people to participate in our political system. We register voters, hold candidate forums, and provide resources to inform voters, including voter guides with candidate bios and Q&A on the issues.

Protect Voting Rights

Barb Inge Lorann CNP

Voting is a fundamental right. The League is dedicated to ensuring that our elections remain free, fair and accessible. Toward that end we work to stop voter suppression, end gerrymandering, and make voting easier and more secure for all voters, regardless of where they live. 


Karen Leith testifying for Fair Districting

We advocate for key issues that affect our communities after unbiased research, in-depth study, and discussion. Only then do we reach a consensus within our local chapter and, when relevant, with state and other local chapters.


Kathy Observing Environmental Mtg in Hudson OH 

We observe various government  public meetings to ensure that they are conducted in an open and transparent way, following the rules enacted by Ohio’s Sunshine Laws.  

Members currently observe the Hudson City Council and committees, the Board of Education, the Hudson Library and Historical Society and Summit County Council.  If they identify any issues that are important or of interest to the public the Observer informs the  LWV Hudson Board and they decide if any action needs to be taken.  For more about this process, see Observer Corps.