We believe members can contribute their own unique skills and talents in their area of interest to accomplish our goal of creating a democracy truly of the people, by the people and for the people.
Currently we need volunteers to help at our next Hudson schools Open Houses. We still have a few open dates. Sign up HERE.
We also need greeters and setup help on September 12 for our meeting, Citizens Not Politicians Amendment (Issue1) at 6:30pm at Hudson's Library. Sign up HERE
We always need help in the following areas and will provide training, if needed:
- Climate Crisis and Environmental Sustainability - Help with research, planning and organizing workshops and events that inform the public about Climate Change, Adaptation Planning, Public Health, Emergency Response and Land Development issues. May include monitoring and updating information and action on wetlands, watersheds, water quality, and wastewater management issues. Or, you may want to help write articles about action items or help monitor local government meetings whose actions impact the environment.
- Communications - Help with the following: write blurbs for Member Newsletter, edit news releases, help post on Facebook or the LWV of Hudson website. Duties may include: take photos, update information or publicize events. May also include: write articles, find grapics, update calendar, create flyers. If interested, establish a Twitter and or Instagram presences for LWVH, posting appropriate information.
- Observer Corps - Observe the public City or County government meeting of your choice on behalf of the League. The purpose is to observe, record and report, but not participate in the meeting itself. This activity complys with Ohio's Sunshine Laws, which ensures transparency in government meetings.
- Currently we need volunteers to observe the Summit County Board of Elections as well as the Hudson Community Television Advisory Committee meeting. We also need a Program Co-Manager. If interested in these positions or other Observer positions --we could always use more Observers-- send an email to the lwvhobservercorps [at] gmail.com.">Program Manager.
- Voter Registration and Information - Help develop voting informational materials for new voters, student voters (high school and college) and the general public. Register voters at a variety of locations.
- Voter Services Forum - Organize Candidates and Issues Forums including finding a venue, contacting participants, obtaining a moderator, organizing volunteers and overseeing the forum.
- Vote411.org - Update Vote411.org by contacting candidates, writing candidate questions, updating the Vote411 website, and promoting Vote411.org before each election.
- Membership - Develop and coordinate strategies to recruit new members. Help host and lead New Member Orientation meetings. Connect new members with current members to find appropriate volunteer opportunities. Help update the membership list and volunteer interests.
- Event Planning and Hospitality - Help obtain meeting spaces, arrange for food and refreshments, track RSVP’s and greet members at events.
- Advocacy Legislation Monitoring - Help monitor current and potential Ohio bills related to voting and other relevant issues. Develop action steps to advocate for LWVH supported issues.
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Education - Develop educational programming for LWVH and the community related to DEI issues. Advise LWVH to address DEI throughout the organization and in all action. (open position)
- Student Liason - Aid with reaching out to high school and college students interested in volunteering with the League to work on current goals and projects. Develop volunteer opportunities within LWVH for student volunteers. (open position)
Reach out to our League presidentlwvhudson [at] gmail.com (president) to find out how you can get involved in the Hudson League today.