LWV Advocacy

LWV Advocacy


The League of Women Voters lobbies on an issue or advocates for a cause only after a rigorous process of study, discussion and reaching consensus. Studies are done by League members and can take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years.  After approval by the chapter or state board, the study results in a written Position.   Only then can the League advocate or lobby on this issue. For an explanation of the steps for how Positions are selected, goPDF icon HERE.

Currently are main focus is on:

Fair Districts / Citizens Not Politicians 

LWV Hudson supports the amendment to the Ohio constitution, Citizens Not Politicians. It will on the November 5, 2024 ballot for voters to decide how to achieve fair voting districts in Ohio and end gerrymandering.  For more go HERE.  

Legislation that LWV is following:

Elections and Voting 

LWV US supports:

HR 14, S4 John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, which would modernize and revitalize the Voting Rights Act of 1965.  The Supreme Court has hampered the law through a number of cases in 2013 and 2021. This Act would strengthen the law, help in give equal access to voting for all. For more information, see HR 14/S4.  For action you can take, go HERE

LWV Ohio opposes:

  • Ohio SB 137: Generally Prohibit Ranked Choice Voting -This bill not only prohibits Ranked Choice Voting but would fine any community using this method. For more informaton and to take action go HERE.

  • Ohio HB 472: Regards Voter Registration, Voting and Voting system - adds further restrictions to voting procedures (ID's, citizenship, absentee ballot, etc) For more informaton and to take action goPDF icon HERE


LWV Ohio  may support this bill with certain modification.

  • Ohio SB 168Education Regulation Reform - includes: employing more non-licensed individuals as classroom teachers, eliminating standards that trigger the closing of poorly performing charter schools, eliminating addityional pay for teachers overtime, eliminating giving preference on the basis of seniority when making reductions in nonteaching staff.  For more informaton and to take action go HERE.

LWV Ohio opposes:

  • Ohio SB 83: Enact Ohio Higher Education Enhancement Act-- would restrict the teaching of “controversial” subjects, ban most diversity policies and programs, place entire courses and departments at risk, gut workers’ rights, and much more. For more information go File HERE.
  • Ohio HB 339: Education Savings Accounts for non-chartered schools - this is a form of a Voucher for Schools inititave.  For more information go HERE.  


  • Ohio HB 344: Eliminate Replacement Property Tax Levies; re: Tax Complaints - removes opportunities to raise funds for schools libraries and local communities. For more informaton and to take action go HERE.

Other Social Justice Issues

  • Abolish the Death Penalty
  • Stop Intimate Partner Violence
  • Keep Ohioans Safe from Gun Violence
  • Repeal Ohio HB 6 which provides money for nuclear plants, subsidized coal fired coal plants and reduces subsidies for renewal energy

Other Issues

Other issues we advocate for in Ohio are listed on this website under the menu item Positions

To view all legislation that is currently under consideration in Ohio see:  https://www.legislature.ohio.gov/  

Interested in State Government?

  • Check out the Ohio Legislative Website: The Ohio Legislature, 135 th General Assembly, in which you can see:
    • Schedules of when they are in session and committee meetings
    • Learn about your representatives, including their contact information and bills they are sponsoring
    • See committee members and committee hearing agendas
    • Track bills; read bills and their analysis; sponsors and co-sponsors
    • See all General Assembly rules and procedures (see Publications)
    • Training on how to use the website.

The Ohio Channel:  Watch sessions and committees live and watch archived meetings. 

The Ohio Capital Journal is an independent, nonprofit news organization dedicated to connecting Ohioans to their state government and its impact on their lives. The Capital Journal combines Ohio state government coverage with incisive investigative journalism, reporting on the consequences of policy, political insight and principled commentary.