Call your SC Senators and urge them to vote for common sense laws to protect Americans from gun violence

Call your SC Senators and urge them to vote for common sense laws to protect Americans from gun violence

Action Alert
Time Range For Action Alert: 
May 26 2022 to Jul 30 2022


Congress Must Act to Protect the Nation from the Plague of Gun Violence

The many headlines covering gun deaths in America are heartbreaking. Recently, we mourn the loss of students and teachers in Uvalde, Texas. Did you know that as of 2020, firearms are the leading cause of death in American children? We urge you to turn your grief and anger into action:
FIRST: The US House of Representatives has already passed HR 8, the Bipartisan Background Checks Act, which is the first step in transforming gun safety laws in our country. This legislation now sits before the US Senate. Call your SC Senators and ask them to vote for this legislation and to consider additional common sense laws to protect Americans from gun violence.
Senator Tim Scott
DC OFFICE: (202) 224-6121
LOWCOUNTRY OFFICE: (843) 727-4525
Senator Lindsey Graham
DC OFFICE: (202) 224-5972
LOWCOUNTRY OFFICE: (843) 849-3887
You can also use the letter-writing template provided by LWVUS, but remember - calls are most effective!
SECONDThere are well-organized gun-safety advocacy groups in South Carolina, and following them will keep you informed and help build a coalition. Follow these groups today:
Arm in Arm South Carolina: website | facebook
Moms Demand Action South Carolina: facebook
Thank you for taking action today.