Voting in South Carolina Elections

Voting in South Carolina Elections

image of woman holding I voted pin, graphic that says your vote, your voice and women holding signs

vote 411 election information you need Our online election guide,, will help you prepare to vote. Enter your address to find your polling place, create your personalized voters' guide, and find everything you need to vote! 

Get your personalized Voter's Guide at 

With your personalized guide, you can:

    • see everything that will be on your ballot,
    • compare candidates' positions side-by-side,
    • print out a personalized ballot with your choices to take with you on Election Day.

Información Electoral Personalizada:

LWVCA is committed to providing fair, nonpartisan candidate forums that are open to the general public. Look for information on forums on our event calendar as we get close to elections.

For a complete list of candidates by county, visit the SC Votes Candidate Search tool.

2025 SC Voter News & Information

Stay up-to-date on the latest election changes and news

Social media user? Stay current and help spread the word by following SCVotes on FBInstagram, or X.

Voter Registration Resources 

You must have an approved SC Voter ID to vote in SC, unless a reasonable impediment prevented you from obtaining one. You can get one for no cost at your county voter registration and elections office or your local DMV office.

Special Guidance

  • College Students: Are you attending college in South Carolina? Check out this LWVSC blog post to understand your voting options. 
  • Moved or changed your name? Click here for instructions on updating your name and/or address. 
  • Voters over the age of 65 and voters with disabilities are eligible for Curbside Voting and other assistance with voting
  • Ex-Offenders: Once a person who was convicted of a felony or offense against the election laws serves his sentence (including probation/parole), they may register to vote. To register, the applicant must submit a new voter registration application to their county voter registration office. 

County Board of Elections Contact Information

Ways to Vote

Early In-person Voting

Berkeley, Charleston, and Dorchester have multiple early voting locations here. Any voter can visit an early voting center in their county and vote. Voters will be asked to present Photo ID when checking in to vote.

Absentee Voting

Absentee voting allows qualified voters to cast a ballot by mail prior to Election Day. In-Person Absentee Voting is no longer authorized by law. You must submit an application and have a qualifying reason to vote absentee. The following are possible reasons for voting absentee:

  • Persons with employment obligations which prevent them from voting during early voting hours for the duration of the early voting period, and during the hours the polls are open on election day.
  • Persons attending a sick or physically disabled person which prevents them from voting during early voting hours for the duration of the early voting period, and during the hours the polls are open on election day.
  • Persons confined to a jail or pretrial facility pending disposition of arrest or trial which prevents them from voting during early voting hours for the duration of the early voting period, and during the hours the polls are open on election day.
  • Persons who will be absent from their county of residence during early voting hours for the duration of the early voting period, and during the hours the polls are open on election day.
  • Persons with physical disabilities.
  • Persons sixty-five years of age or older.
  • Members of the Armed Forces and Merchant Marines of the United States, their spouses, and dependents residing with them (Learn more about procedures related to Military and Overseas Citizens).
  • Persons admitted to a hospital as an emergency patient on the day of the election or within a four-day period before the election (additional details here).

Visit the SCVotes Absentee Voting page for detailed instructions on requesting and returning your absentee ballot. 

In-Person at your Polling Location on Election Day

Polling places are open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Election Day. Anyone in line at 7:00 p.m. will be allowed to vote. 

Find Your Precinct