A Rare Opportunity for Change: Weigh in on City of Charleston Redistricting!

A Rare Opportunity for Change: Weigh in on City of Charleston Redistricting!

Action Alert
Time Range For Action Alert: 
Sep 26 2022 to Oct 04 2022


Dear League Members who are residents of the City of Charleston,

We have a unique and rare opportunity to pass new City of Charleston district maps that will give the citizens of Charleston a stronger voice and reduce incumbent gerrymandering. We need you to contact your City Council Representative and ask them to pass Option 2!

Please take the following actions:
1. Email your City Councilperson this week and ask them to pass Option 2 (Find your councilperson)
2. Fill the room and/or testify in-person on Tuesday, October 4th from 4pm-6pm during the City’s Redistricting Workshop. Please wear League of Women Voters t-shirt or buttons! (We will have buttons for attendees.)

Talking Points

  • As a citizen of the City of Charleston, we urge City Council to pass redistricting Option 2.
  • These maps are a far better option that the originally proposed City Council districts because they:
    • Create compact and contiguous districts and keep communities of interest together.
    • Create a new Johns Island district which unites a community of interest and will give its citizens a stronger voice and better representation.
    • Reduce the number of representatives from the Peninsula to be more in line with population growth.
    • Preserve two majority-minority voting districts (the same number as the originally proposed maps).
  • Unlike the previous map, Option 2 does not focus on incumbent protection, but rather prioritizes citizens’ interests and keep neighborhoods and communities of interest together.
  • Please vote in favor of Option 2.