Making Democracy Work

Making Democracy Work

abstract image of people


Cesar Chavez Public Library
605 N. El Dorado Street Stewart Hazelton Room
Stockton California 95202
California US
Saturday, April 8, 2023 - 10:30am

April 8, 2023, 10:30am to 12:30pm

Panel Discussion

Would easier access to voter information help? What are some of the possible sources?
Education in general ~ Lisa Lemmon-Watkins, President, Lodi Education Association
Civics education ~ San Joaquin County Office of Education
Easier access to accurate election information in print and on line ~ Scott Linesburgh, Stocktonia News Service 
Ballot Measure Information (Pros and Cons, Easy Voter Guide, Voters' Edge) ~ Bea Lingenfelter, League of Women Voters

Other Candidate Information Sources (Forums, debates, candidate Meet-and-Greets, public meetings)
Elbert Holman, Former Stockton City Councilmember

Incentives and Solutions
Democracy Vouchers ~ Donna Brown, League of Women Voters of San Joaquin County
Quality Candidates with broad community involvement ~ Pam Eibeck, Retired President, University of the Pacific