April 8, 2023, 10:30am to 12:30pm
Panel Discussion
Would easier access to voter information help? What are some of the possible sources?
Education in general ~ Lisa Lemmon-Watkins, President, Lodi Education Association
Civics education ~ San Joaquin County Office of Education
Easier access to accurate election information in print and on line ~ Scott Linesburgh, Stocktonia News Service
Ballot Measure Information (Pros and Cons, Easy Voter Guide, Voters' Edge) ~ Bea Lingenfelter, League of Women Voters
Other Candidate Information Sources (Forums, debates, candidate Meet-and-Greets, public meetings)
Elbert Holman, Former Stockton City Councilmember
Incentives and Solutions
Democracy Vouchers ~ Donna Brown, League of Women Voters of San Joaquin County
Quality Candidates with broad community involvement ~ Pam Eibeck, Retired President, University of the Pacific