LWV Perrysburg Area Supports City of Perrysburg Transportation Services Tax Levy Renewal

LWV Perrysburg Area Supports City of Perrysburg Transportation Services Tax Levy Renewal


LWVPA Supports City of Perrysburg Transportation Services Tax Levy Renewal on November 7, 2023 Ballot

Following Statement Emailed to LWVPA Membership on October 20, 2023:

City of Perrysburg Transportation Renewal Levy
At the 10/11/23 LWVPA Board Meeting, your Board voted to take a “support” position on the City of Perrysburg’s Transportation Renewal Levy which is on the November 7 ballot. 

Supporting public transportation in Perrysburg has been a position of LWVPA for some time – directly, as in our Public Transportation Position and indirectly, as in our Aging in Place Position.  These positions are shown below:   

Public Transportation Position:  Support and advocate for public transportation in the Perrysburg area with particular attention to the special needs of the physically and economically challenged.

Aging in Place Position:  Support of efforts to allow for residents to age in place in Perrysburg and Perrysburg Township.

The Transportation Renewal Levy (which does not include Perrysburg Township), supports both of the above positions.  You will see our support of the levy in the Perrysburg Messenger Journal, on our Social Media platforms, and on our website urging voters to vote for the renewal levy.  Go to Vote411.org > Find What’s on Your Ballot for the full ballot language.

League to which this content belongs: 
Perrysburg Area