What's New!

What's New!

Be informed.  Stay informed.  Here's what's new on our website:

1)  Read this important Voter Alert and make sure you will not be removed from Ohio's voter rolls.
2)  Voting & Elections is updated with important November 5 General Election dates.
3)  We've added three new Articles:  1)  Absentee Ballot Applications can now be requested.  2)  Must-watch recordings on Public Education in Ohio.  3)   The Power Grab -- Ohio HB 6 Scandal.  

4)  Our Join page now has a bit more info on Membership Benefits along with a better description of how to pay for your membership.  Please join us!

5)  For LWVPA Members:  Read our Local League's Bylaws which were updated at our 05/18/24 Annual Meeting and our Policies that were updated at the 06/12/24 Board Meeting.  If you have questions, contact us at:  lwvperrysburg [at] gmail.com

6)  Always check out our Perrysburg Homepage for upcoming events!