What's New!

What's New!

Be informed.  Stay informed.  Here's what's new on our website:

1)  Our new Membership Portal is ready.  ALL MEMBERS must sign into their portal and update their preferences.  This is new for all of us -- but it is very simple.  Go to our Membership Page then click on Access the Member Portal.   Follow the instructions -- and of you get stuck, let us know at lwvperrysburg [at] gmail.com.   Not yet a member?  Click here for more info! 
2)  Watch this short video from NewsDepth about Ohio's unique and beautiful Statehouse!
3)  All-Member Calls for 2025 are posted on our Calendar.  Members, join in on the calls for the latest League news! 
4)  The LWVUS has created the One Person One Vote Campaign to eliminae the Electoral College.   

5)  Always check out our Perrysburg Homepage for upcoming events!