DE Supreme Court Reverses Decision Invalidating Early in-Person and Permanent Absentee Voting Laws

DE Supreme Court Reverses Decision Invalidating Early in-Person and Permanent Absentee Voting Laws

Press Mention
Date of Release or Mention: 
Friday, June 28, 2024

ACLU-DE: "Simply put, this is a Band-Aid"

Today, Andrew Bernstein of the ACLU-DE reported to the Delaware Voting Rights Coalition "the good news that Delaware's early, in-person voting and permanent absentee voting laws are now back in effect ahead of the 2024 elections. The Delaware Supreme Court found that the challengers were not sufficiently harmed by the laws and therefore could not challenge the laws in court and ordered that DOE "'may conduct all primary, general, and special elections in 2024 in accordance with the Challenged Statutes.' 

"While ACLU-DE is pleased that voters who use these methods of voting will have these options in 2024, we are concerned that the Court left the door open to future challenges.  We believe that the decision affirms our long-term plan to amend Delaware's constitution to ensure and protect voting rights."

The full opinion can be read PDF icon here.

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Sussex County, Delaware