LWVBA Regional Study: Regional Government and Planning
Recognizing the outstanding League work that went into previous studies of regional government and planning, the 2022-24 study has been voted necessary in light of changes in scope and structure of regional agencies, new regional planning legislations, and the critical importance of regional impact on Bay Area’s equity and economy. Underlying outcome for regional study: strengthening our regional League Voice, maximizing positions and policy to better define our advocacy, and providing regional policy and position support for Bay Area Leagues.
Study Guidelines: Studies (whether national, state, regional, or local) are a defined process lasting one to two to three years, during which the League undertakes a thorough pursuit of facts and details, both positive and negative. As part of the process, Study committee members will fashion consensus questions, based on the research and committee decision-making, that are then asked of the membership as part of a study kit which is distributed to Bay Area League members in preparation for their decision-making during LWVBA biennial convention in 2024.
Consensus is the overall decision-making process by which substantial agreement among members (in this case Bay Area League members) is reached on an issue. If the members reach consensus, the LWVBA board finalizes the positions based on that consensus. It is the consensus statement - the statement resulting from the consensus questions -- that is adopted by delegates at biennial convention and becomes a "position". With that position, firm action can then be taken on the particular issue addressed by the position. Without a position, action cannot be taken on that issue.
Regional Study Update
BACEI Broadband Infrastructure Report
Transit Information Senate Hearing Background Paper
Regional Agency Detailed Reports by Study Committee