NewsLWV Solano "What Democracy Means to Me" Student Essay Winners
“Voting is the expression of our commitment to ourselves,
one another, this country, and this world.”
– Sharon Salzberg
Why Democracy Matters
Rami Muth
President LWV Solano
I was reminded today what the hope of our future looks like and why democracy matters. I had the privilege of meeting with three exceptional students who were selected as winners in our essay contest, “What Democracy Means to Me.” The students were given the task to explore in writing what democracy means to you personally, how democracy impacts America and the significance of voting in a democracy. Their essays were thoughtful and reflected their own personal journeys.
Our first place winner was Amaya Espinosa from Vanden High School. She is pictured here with Kristen Shields Principal of Vanden High School and Rami Muth President of the LWVSolano. A PDF of her essay is at the bottom of this page and a link to her essay is below.
Our first place winner was Amaya Espinosa from Vanden High School. She is pictured here with Kristen Shields Principal of Vanden High School and Rami Muth President of the LWVSolano. A PDF of her essay is at the bottom of this page and a link to her essay is below.

Our second place winner is also a student at Vanden High School and her name is Cristelry Jhane Munasque. A PDF of her essay is at the bottom of this page and a link to her essay is below. https://travisusd-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/95879_student_travisusd_org/EaF6N-CrhcZEqZyDVGaSzyIBrmUiqnnCXSfMa59ped2G2g?e=Lab7Rl

Amaya and Cristelry
Michelle Han, a senior at Benicia High School is our third place winner. A PDF of her essay is at the bottom of this page and a link to her essay is below.:

Michelle Han is shown here with her Principal Brianna Kleinschmidt and Rami Muth President of the League of Women Voters Solano

These students represent the hope and promise of our future. Please join me in congratulating them on this special achievement.
League to which this content belongs:
Solano County