Improving Public Education

Improving Public Education

As the nation’s only statewide K-12 school system, the Hawaii Board of Education has a unique responsibility to incorporate the needs of the individual communities within each island as it formulates policy while remaining transparent and responsive to those varied concerns and issues.

The League’s policy has been to support:

  • the public's rights and interest concerning the administration, policy setting, and budget making for the statewide K-12 school system
  • the goal of equal educational opportunities for each child, and financing procedures to reach this goal
  • the principles of "choice" for students, teachers, parents, and staff as appropriate and essential for improving performance and participation in elementary and secondary functioning and program
  • a juvenile justice system that provides for the protection of society along with the rehabilitation of juvenile law violators in Family Court
  • the encouragement of a greater acceptance by the schools of responsibility in crime prevention


The change from an elected to an appointed school board approved by voters in November 2010 has not been met with universal approval and the League will be evaluating developments as they occur.