Oklahoma County

Oklahoma County

The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government and influences public policy through education and advocacy.

We do not support or oppose any candidate or political party at any level of government.

We do focus on:

    • voter registration
    • voter education, and
    • voter engagement.

Our membership is open to anyone in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, or surrounding areas that isn’t served by a local League. We are affiliated with the League of Women Voters of Oklahoma and the League of Women Voters U.S.

The League of Women Voters of Oklahoma County’s mission to educate Oklahoman voters by encouraging informed participation will continue in 2022! We have plans to continue advocating for voting rights, which is always our first priority, holding local political forums, and advocating for criminal justice reform. Our league will specifically focus on organizing student leader programs with local high schools, holding informational forums for upcoming mayoral, board of education, & gubernatorial races, and studyingdiscrimination within the criminal justice system. 


  2025 okc vote

 Next Election is Tuesday, Feb 11th

for Board of Education & Primary Races. 

Click here
 to see what Oklahoma County is voting on next!

Visit OK Voter Portal (OVP) Access to view your upcoming sample ballot!   




 Oklahomans May Now

Register to Vote Online! 








Listen as LWVOKC joins Martha Steele at Sunday Morning Magazine once per month to discuss local events and organizations who make a difference in our community. The show airs at 6 A.M. on 98-9 KISS FM and at 7 A.M. on the other Cumulus OKC radio stations, KATT 100.5, Wild 104.9, 96.9 FM & La Indomable 930 AM every Sunday!

Click the link below to listen to our last interview:
League of Women Voters of Oklahoma County | February 2024




"Tushalicious Talk"


Click HERE to hear the Tushalicious Talk podcast "What the Heck is an Initiative Petition?" with Cindy Alexander from Indivisible Stillwater, and LWVOK Board Member, Stephanie Henson as we discuss Initiaive Peitions in layen's terms to make it make sense! Email office.admin [at] lwvokc.org to get connected to the Direct Democracy Team!



To contact your legislators with your opinion on any issue, please visit: 
and click on the RESOURCES tab which will prompt you to enter your address and then locate your personal legislators!


Oklahoma Statistics


  • Oklahoma's disenfranchised population (aka persons with felonies who cannot vote) in 2020 was 56,995.
  • Oklahoma does not have a statewide law that expressly prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
  • Oklahoma’s grade for women’s Employment & Earnings, D, has remained the same since the 2004 Status of Women in the States report.
  • Oklahoma ranks 41st nationally for the share of women in poverty; compared with 14.5 percent of Oklahoma’s men.
  • Blacks, Native, and Latinx populations are underrepresented at voting polls.
  • (76% White, 7% Black, 2% Asian, 6% Hispanic or Latino, 8% Native American)
  • 11% of LGBT adults in Oklahoma reported being unemployed compared to 5% of non-LGBT adults.


2019 | Discrimination Against LGBT People in Oklahoma

2018 |The Economic Status of Women in Oklahoma

2020 | Discrimination in Oklahoma’s Criminal Justice System 



LWVOKC Criminal Justice Reform Information


The League of Women Voters of the United States defines studies as a "process lasting one to three years, during which we undertake thorough pursuit of facts and details, both positive and negative, and come to consensus about policy….Consensus is the overall decision-making process by which substantial agreement among members is reached on an issue. Often this happens over the course of several meetings, but may include surveys and other methods. If the members reach consensus, the board forms recommended positions based on that consensus. Those recommendations are submitted to the Study Committee." If you would like to comment or contribute on the current study of Criminal Justice Reform in Oklahoma, please email office.admin [at] lwvokc.org!


The Penal Abiotic Factor: Discrimination in Oklahoma’s Criminal Justice System by Jacquelyne Finley on behalf of the League of Women Voters of Oklahoma County, May 2022


(click on image)
