Join/Renew Membership

Join/Renew Membership

Join us and be part of the solution!


The 2023 LWVOKC Membership year runs from July 1st through June 30.
Starting in 2025, LWVUS (League of Women Voters of the United States), has launched the LWV Member Portal. For the remainder of 2025, fees are as follows:
  • $50 - one member
  • $75 - two members in the same household
  • $18 - student membership (age 16 & up)
When it comes time to renew, you will receive an email reminder. Dues will no longer be a fixed rate but will be pay-what-you-can. Under the current system, LWV of Oklahoma County pays a fixed rate per member to LWV of Oklahoma and to LWVUS. Under the new system, a percentage of dues will go to the state and national League. This means that when you renew, if you would like to make an additional contribution directly to LWV of Oklahoma County, as some members choose to do when they renew, this will need to be separate from choosing a higher dues amount. For re-clarification on donation purposes, LWVOKC (Oklahoma County),  LWVOK (Oklahoma State), & LWVUS (United States) are three separate leagues/entities. Please ensure to donate directly to LWVOKC for Oklahoma County on the LWVOKC Donation Page when you are intending to contribute your support to our OK County local league.



Please email Office.Admin [at] if you need further assistance!