Adopting a Climate Change Action Plan for Hudson

Adopting a Climate Change Action Plan for Hudson

Adopting a Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainability Action Plan


Hudson City Hall -1140 Terex Rd. David Hudson Room
1140 Terex Road
Hudson Ohio
Ohio US
Thursday, April 21, 2022 - 7:00pm
Our LWV Hudson Climate Crisis and Sustainability Committee will be engaging our members to reach Consensus on a position of support of the City of Hudson to Adopt a Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainability Action Plan. 
The presentation will summarize results of the past 3 years of citizen engagement in our League's Climate Crisis investigation, facilitate member discussion and a Consensus decision that is focused on enabling HUDSON action. This is needed to assist in gathering local organizations and interested citizens in a coalition to work toward this goal. A briefing document will be e-mailed to LWV Hudson members prior to the meeting.