Members-Only: LWVPA Book Club Kick-Off Meeting! League member, Ann Hymel, kicks off the premier gathering of the LWVPA Book Club on Thursday, 10/24/24. The first selection for the Club – a mini-read if you will -- is a 9-page interview of Robert D. Putnam, author of, Bowling Alone: America's Declining Social Capital (1997). (FYI: Bowling Alone is 500 + pages, addressed to a social science research audience – thus why we will be reading and discussing the 9-page interview.)
Contact Ann at lwvperrysburg [at] gmail.com for a copy of the interview prior to the gathering and to let her know you will be attending. If you are a League member, curious about the Club, and would like to attend this first meeting just to learn more about future reads, let Ann know this as well.