Public Event: Safeguarding the Vote -- Inside Ohio's Post-Election Procedures for Secure Elections (Virtual Event; Free; Registration Required)

Public Event: Safeguarding the Vote -- Inside Ohio's Post-Election Procedures for Secure Elections (Virtual Event; Free; Registration Required)


Virtual Event
Monday, October 28, 2024 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm

A bipartisan panel of elections officials and other nonpartisan elections experts will help educate participants on Ohio's post-election processes that ensure election security and accuracy. We will cover critical topics such as ballot tabulation, recounts, audits, and provisional voting. The panel will explain how election results are certified and the safeguards in place to ensure secure elections. A Q&A session will follow the discussion.

Presented by LWV Ohio (LWVO), this event is open to the public and part of LWVO’s ongoing efforts to combat voter misinformation and promote voter literacy.