Our Positions

For a list of U.S. League of Women Voters Positions visit https://www.lwv.org/.

The Impact on Issues 2018-2020: A Guide to Public Policy Positions by the U.S. League of Women Voters is available for purchase or download.

The League of Women Voters of Oklahoma statement on advocacy and issues can be found here.

What is a Position?

The League of Women Voters takes action on an issue only when we have a position addressing that particular issue. Members must study and come to consensus on an issue, in order to form a position. This thorough grassroots process ensures that our advocacy is well considered by a broad range of people, understood by our members, and we have a sense of the political environment.

Oklahoma County Positions

There are currently no positions available. Please check back soon.

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All Oklahoma County Subscribed Positions


Support for an improved system of transportation for all


The League of Women Voters supports a strong, effective United Nations and endorses the full and active participation of the United States in the UN system.
