At the LWVVT convention on June 8, members will vote on the question of the state League's taking over the financial administration of all the local League units beginning in July.
At the Leadership Team meeting of March 7, we discussed how the LWVCEN might be organized after this change. Options were to keep our own official identity, delegating only dues collection to the state, dissolve but keep our own checking account, or dissolve and become a unit of the state League. Dissolution means that we would give up our individual tax status and IRS tax ID.
It was the consensus of the LT to fully dissolve, and this proposal will be presented at our Annual Meeting on May 9.
This change in administration will not change how we operate on the ground. We will continue as the Central VT League with our usual activities, including our February and August celebrations, the Democracy Tent in election years, the naturalization ceremony voter regis-tration and reception at the State House in Sep-tember, and our presentations in collaboration with the Library. Our membership will not see any difference from current practice.
We will still need and have local leadership to carry out our program, though we will not need a Treasurer.
A full description and explanationn of our new way of organizing will be included in the Annual Meeting Workbook, which will be sent out next month. We hope you will come to that meeting and to the state Convention in June, to take part in the discussion and this important decision.