Message from the Board

Message from the Board

Blog Post

by Kate Rader

First, I want to thank LWVCV member Johnna Ferguson for her work updating and enlivening our website. Check it out!

I also want to note that in the past year League members have greeted new citizens and afforded them the opportunity to register to vote at 14 of 15 naturalization venues! We also provide all with a copy of Voting in Vermont, our brochure that has all the information they need to become participating citizens of their new country.  We expect to be at all the locations in 2018.

Before looking ahead, we pause to mark the passing of  Bert Levin – he was a long time supporter and member of the League.  His wife Jere was active in California and served on the Champlain Valley League Board as a member and Treasurer.  We extend our condolences to Jere on her loss.

This issue of the Green Mountain Citizen is full of  information about  coming events and updates on our program for 2017/18.  

We'll begin the year with an all-member lunch meeting in Norwich on January 13, where we will get acquainted and talk  about how we can extend our reach by working with other organizations and other Leagues.  You're welcome to attend the state Board meeting which will precede and follow the lunch.

Our Legislative Day at the State House will be as close to the League's Anniversary as we could arrange.  Join us for coffee in the State House cafeteria on February 13, and get an update on the our advocacy priorities this legislative session.  

Next up, the fourth annual Spring Lecture will take place on March 17 at the Capital Plaza Hotel in Montpelier, followed closely by the 12th Quad (now New England) States Leadership Conference on April 7th and 8th.  Be sure to check the new website for more on the April conference.

Details of all these events are revealed in the following pages, along with updates on our current program and the activities of the new state Ethics Commission.  

Season's greetings and best wishes for an exciting and productive New Year in League.