Spring Message

Spring Message


There's snow on the ground (we missed the big one, though) and snow in the forecast, but I have onions, artichokes and eggplants started under lights in my basement, so it must be spring.

Lots coming up in our League schedule, too, starting with the LWVVT Annual Spring Lecture on March 17.  Please join us for lunch at the Capitol Plaza to hear Naomi Schalit and John Christie talk about Integrity of Journalism.  

On Saturday, March 24, the League will be joining others in the March for our Lives at noon at the State House.  Go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/march-for-our-lives-montpelier-tickets-43405556187?utm-medium=discovery&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-source=strongmail&utm-term=listing for more information.  We hope to be marching as a group, so please let me know if you will join us (catherine.rader [at] myfairpoint.net).

And join us at Kellogg-Hubbard Library at 7:00 on March 29, to hear Rob Boston on Freedom of Religion, the fourth in the LWVCEN/KHL library series on the First Amendment.  This program was rescheduled to this later date because of the weather.  

April brings us to the 12th annual New England States Leadership Development Conference in Wells, Maine.  Information and registration information is at https://my.lwv.org/vermont/event/new-england-leadership-conference.  Learn how much fun a bunch of Leaguers can be, while we learn about working with other organizations and our own new League groups.  Our own Jim Condos will be the keynote speaker.

The end of the League year brings us Annual Meeting on May 9.  Save the date. Plans are incomplete, but you'll be the first to know.  As always, we're looking for people to fill leadership roles, so if you would like to expand your horizons we want to hear from you.  Come to our next Leadership Team meeting, at noon on April 12, the Royal Orchid Restaurant, to learn more. [BTW, all members are always welcome at our LT meetings.]


For the LWVCEN Leadership Team

Kate Rader