Magnify our voice! Be a part of our grassroots efforts in Falls Church!
10 way you can make an impact!
- Register voters
- Write & mail GOTV post cards to voters, and write advocacy postcards to elected leaders
- Make Vote411.org the best voter tool! Ask us how to help! Email lwvfallschurchva [at] gmail.com
- Observe city meetings as a representative of LWV of Falls Church
- Be a LWV Election Observer
- Talk with lawmakers on our priority issues (in person, on the phone, in an email, in a letter and/or on social media)
- Attend and/or help organize candidate and/or public policy forums
- Start a committee on one of LWV's policy priorities: election reform, money in politics, redistricting, mobilizing & educating voters, or climate change
- Attend a LWV forum locally or visit Richmond to serve as a citizen Lobbyist on our priority issues
- Make a donation!
Observe city government meetings as an official representative of LWV
Why it matters
Observer Corps are a structured way for individuals to exercise their right to know. They provide a valuable service to the community. They help ensure that citizens are aware of the decisions that impact their lives and they promote government transparency and accountability.
Observers keep elected and appointed officials on notice; they let them know that someone is watching what decisions are being made and how they are being made. They help ensure that the issues facing their community are being handled "in the sunshine," in the open. Ideally, observers are monitoring both the issues being discussed as well as the process by which they are being discussed. While not every item up for discussion will relate to a League's priorities, ensuring that the meeting is being conducted in an open and acceptable way is critical to all of the League's efforts and the health of our democracy.
Serving in the Observer Corps is easy AND it's important to democracy. Think: open government and accountability!
Let us know what government meeting(s) you want to observe and we'll get you started as an official representative of LWV of Falls Church.
Want to register voters? Get your certification online!
Complete the Third Party Voter Registration Training. It's a online video and takes only 15 minutes.
After watching the video, be sure to make your registration certification official by clicking on the Survey Monkey questionnaire, which is the affidavit. After you have completed it, your name will be entered into the database for this year (you will need to do this training every year (renew July 1st), but it only takes a few minutes).
Every LWV voter registration drive must have at least one League member. So now is a great time to join! Click here to join!
Important note: Registering new voters (and updating current voters) requires official training.
Policy & Candidate Forums
"League forums are the best college-level education you can get... but for free!" exclaimed a LWV member.
Grow your civic muscles and empower others with great civic and issue forums. Work in a team with LWV members to put on informative forums for our community! Check our calendar to see upcoming events that interest you.