As of January, we have 76 members!

As of January, we have 76 members!

A quill pen spells out membership updates on white paper

Wishing you a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year! When updating name tags for the Making Democracy Work Award Presentation & Reception on December 4, I discovered we had 72 members. Since then, four more people have joined the LWV-Whitewater Area, and now, we have 76 members. Breaking that number down, we have 42 Household Members, 29 Individual Members, 2 Lifetime Members, and 3 Student Members. Please help me extend a warm welcome to our four new members!

On November 24, 2022, the Whitewater community as well as the League lost a prominent supporter, Rollie Cooper. As a retired educator and organic farmer, Rollie’s energy could be witnessed in many community service projects that the League supports such as Whitewater’s Farmers’ Market, Food Pantry, and Community Space. Although Rollie didn’t attend many meetings, he believed in the things that the League stood for and contributed to our causes. For example, during one of the LWV Garage Sales, Rollie donated two carriage rides for that upcoming winter.

Thank you to everyone who has renewed their membership for 2023 prior to December 31, 2022! Etty Wilberding (Treasurer) and I have been monitoring who has renewed their memberships during the months of September, October, November, and December 2022. So far, we have a list of 20 people who have yet to renew their memberships for 2023. As Membership Chairperson, I will be notifying you by e-mail during the month of January if you have yet to renew because the deadline for renewal is January 31, 2023.

In August, I included a Membership Form/Membership Renewal Form with the Membership Booklet that was sent to each member. You may use that form to renew your membership or you can use the form on the membership brochure I will send out with my upcoming e-mail message. You may also pay your membership dues with a credit card on our website (

In any case, you may pay your dues by cash, check, or credit card; however, please send your completed Membership Form/Membership Renewal Form to Etty Wilberding, 214 S. Hazelyn Court, Whitewater, WI 53190, as we need to know about you and your interests as well as receiving your dues. Thank you!

Submitted by Kathy Brimmer, Membership Chairperson

League to which this content belongs: 
Whitewater Area