An update on our membership by Kathy Brimmer, Membership Chair

An update on our membership by Kathy Brimmer, Membership Chair


Thank you to the 29 members who have renewed their membership for 2023 during the months of September and October! You still have November, December, and January to pay your membership dues for the coming year. You may do that with a credit card on our website or by completing the Membership Renewal Form.

Our membership is holding steady! As of October 31, 2022, the LWV-Whitewater Area has 29 Individual Members, 38 Household Members, 3 Student Members, and 2 Lifetime Members for a total of 71 members. Do you know anyone who would like to join our organization?

A big THANK YOU to everyone who made Election Day, November 8, a success! Kudos to the poll workers, those registering voters, the observers of the election process, and all those working behind the scenes to make our democracy work!

Submitted by Kathy Brimmer, Membership Chair

League to which this content belongs: 
Whitewater Area