All Wheaton, Illinois Articles


Read the article about the League of Women Voters, "The League of extraordinary women," by Phil Kadner in the CHICAGO SUN TIMES (September 11, 2018).


The season of political yard signs popping up on lawns is upon us. With the Midterm elections just 2 months away, we’re heading into the prime time of campaign season. To be an educated voter when you head to the polls on November 3, it’s important to know the value of political yard signs, and the dos and don’ts when it comes to this form of communication in campaign season.


Whether you actually call yourself a millennial or not (technically this only refers to people born during 1981-1996—I checked), if you’re between the ages of 18 and oh, say, 40, let’s just assume I’m talking to you. We need to all vote this November. All of us.

Two league members at the national convention
Public Statement

The League of Women Voters of Wheaton was represented by LWV board member and League delegate Liz Albert at the League of Women Voters of the United States (LWVUS) 53rd National Convention held June 28 – July 1 in Chicago, IL.


Vote for the Naperville LWV to win the LWVUS Award for their on "Stroll to the Polls".


Good turnout for our Candidates Bootcamp at COD.


The Equal Rights Amendment has been ratified by the Illinois Senate by a bi-partisan 3/5 majority, with 43 Yes votes! 


The Illinois League of Wheaton Voters sent out this Letter to the Editor to all Illinois newspapers to appraise voters of the upcoming action on the ERA. Please contact your state representative and senator to approve the ERA this May.


Wheaton LWV members visit West Chicago High School to provide information to students who are qualified to vote before the March 20th Primary.


Voter Guide for the March 20th Primary
