Where We Stand

Where We Stand

The League of Women Voters is strictly nonpartisan; we never support nor oppose candidates for office at any level of government. At the same time, the League is wholeheartedly political and works to influence policy through advocacy. We are the original grassroots citizen network, directed by the consensus of our members.

Our “good-government” positions represent over 100 years of deliberate study and coordinated action at the local, state, and national levels. Over time our priorities change to reflect current needs and critical issues. However, we remain true to our most basic purpose: to make democracy work for all citizens.

The League of Women Voters maintains a set of governmental standards and policies that we use to guide all our activities and action. Some positions are national, while others are state or local level. Our positions fall under three main areas of public policy:

  • Voting rights and elections
  • Social policy, like healthcare and immigration
  • Environment and natural resources

To arrive at a position, we carefully and thoroughly studies the issue – looking at all sides, accessing the best available research, consulting experts with differing philosophies, and considering both long-term and short-term consequences.

Then, based on the study, our members – made up of women and men of all ages, backgrounds, and political persuasions – must reach consensus on a position before it is added to our program. Whether lobbying Congress, the Ohio General Assembly, or City Hall, the League speaks with one voice. Join us, and together we can make government more responsive and accountable.

All the positions below govern the League of Women Voters of Metropolitan Columbus.

National Positions

State Positions

Local Positions